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10 Best Tips On How To Lose Weight For Beginners

If you want to learn simple and effective tips on how to lose weight naturally without willpower and calorie counting, this article is for you.

There is a lot of confusion on the Internet about the topic of "how to lose weight", so I decided to write an article with 10 tips for losing weight that really works and is supported by a scientific basis.

But remember, this is not a one-off measure. You need to make lifestyle changes to lose weight and maintain your desired weight. Try to follow the advice as much as possible, but don't scold yourself for mistakes.

  • Don't try to lose weight by reducing portion sizes

Obesity most often occurs not because of how much we eat, but because of what exactly we eat. Because the quality of food directly affects our appetite, our sense of fullness, and the amount we eat.

You start gaining extra pounds when your diet is low in nutrients and fiber and high in calories. I'm talking about sugar (white sugar, cane sugar, sweets, and candy), refined carbohydrates (white bread, pies, pancakes, all baked goods, burgers), low-quality vegetable oils, and trans fats (margarine, fries, chips).

A high-calorie diet low in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber creates a favorable cellular environment for weight gain and even disease.

In contrast, eating healthy whole foods (even in large quantities) is the key to weight loss success.

Takeaway: Don't try to eat small portions, you need to fill up with healthy food! And this is the first answer to the question "how to lose weight."

  • Always eat your fill, otherwise, the weight will return after losing weight

"I will lose weight if I eat very little" is a common misconception. If you eat little, you will have a very strong feeling of hunger, leading to uncontrolled overeating.

Sooner or later, you will start to break down and attack the refrigerator, and the lost kilos will quickly return to you after you finish losing weight.

How easy is it to know if you are eating too little? Observe your hunger. It can be easy, but it should never be strong and painful. You also shouldn't be drawn to fast food and sweets.

  •  Make sure you have fiber in every meal

Fiber is an amazing food ingredient. It contains 0 kcal while reducing the feeling of hunger and giving a feeling of fullness for a long time. Also, foods high in fiber have relatively few calories.

Moreover, fiber is able to normalize blood sugar levels, which is very important for weight loss.

  • Don't skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

This, again, will lead to malnutrition, so you will be drawn to the harmfulness and sweets: burgers, chips, cakes, candies, and chocolates. As a result, you will break loose, overeat, and gain extra pounds. As a result, all efforts and attempts to find an answer to the question "how to lose weight" will go down the drain.

  • Eat lots of greens every day

Greens are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are rich in fiber! This means that you will feel full faster, will not overeat and it will be easier for you to lose weight. 

  • Buy healthy and fitness bars as little as possible.

They often contain a large dose of sugar (or sugars), flavorings, they are not always transparent and intelligible composition. This is far from the best source of protein.

Also, in their production, chocolate icing, glucose syrup, butter, and low-quality protein are often used, which completely removes them from the concept of useful products.

  • Drink a glass of water before meals

When we drink 1 glass of water before a meal, we reduce hunger, fill up faster, and can eat less at lunch or dinner than we originally planned.

  • Avoid sugary soda and sports drinks

There are serious concerns that the modern obesity epidemic is caused by the excessive consumption of sugary drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, forfeits, etc.).

They contain a lot of added sugar, they have no benefit, no proteins, no vitamins, no minerals. They are super caloric and still keep you from feeling full. We have no reason to leave sweet liquid calories in our diet.

  •  Don't drink water with honey and lemon

Sadly to admit, this is also a source of liquid calories that can prevent us from losing weight. And, by the way, there is no evidence that this drink brings tangible benefits to the body.

Remember, the benefits are always greater in whole foods: fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

  • Sign up for a yoga class

Yoga is a versatile tool for working with the body and mind.

On the one hand, it contributes to a more conscious attitude to the choice of food and helps us less likely to seize stress and emotions.

On the other hand, it increases flexibility, increases muscle strength, activates energy, and, as a result, leads to natural weight loss.