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11 Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Restoring your figure after childbirth is not as easy as it seems. Losing weight is complicated by many factors - breastfeeding, difficulties in returning to an active lifestyle, etc. But quickly losing weight after giving birth is a real task, if you follow a few simple rules.

Replace sweets with nuts

Nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts - are much healthier than any sweets; in addition, they do not contain sugar, strengthen muscle tissue due to methionine. Therefore, always keep nuts on hand, as nursing mothers very often have a feeling of hunger between meals. Just 10-14 nucleoli - and you will feel full until your next meal, without adding extra pounds to your figure, which are brought by cakes, muffins, and homemade pies.

Eat only warm food

Cold food is less digestible by the stomach, and moderately warm food increases metabolism, preventing fat from being deposited on the buttocks and stomach.

Drink if you feel hungry

It often happens that we confuse thirst with hunger and are in a hurry to quench it: this was proved by scientists at the University of Oklahoma in 2011. Hence the excess weight. Therefore, before you go to the refrigerator, have a glass or two of water and see if you feel hungry afterward or not.

Eat avocados as often as possible

Eat half an avocado every day if you want to lose weight quickly after giving birth. This fruit is truly satisfying and at the same time low in calories, which is why it has become the No. 1 component of many diets.

Extend the Duration of Each Meal

If you want to reduce the number of lipids stored by the body, eat slowly, as each bite must be well saturated with saliva, otherwise, the food will stagnate in the stomach.
Also, try not to get up from the table faster than 20 minutes later, otherwise, you will feel hungry even after a hearty meal, because it takes our brain just 20-30 minutes to send a signal of fullness.

Calculate your portion sizes correctly

Don't eat more than you need to. Of course, weighing each serving on a kitchen scale is absurd, just try to visually determine the size of a serving, comparing it to a small pineapple or half a melon. Anything that exceeds this size is already taboo.

Don't keep food close at hand

Losing weight after childbirth can also slow down because treats are constantly in front of your eyes. Therefore, do not keep sweets, a bowl of cookies in a conspicuous place, and even more so - packs of chips or crackers in your pockets, especially when you go out with your baby or stand in line for a long time. This will keep you from thinking about food, constantly being tempted to eat when you are not hungry.