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How to Lose Weight Without Diets and Pills

There is a category of women who are horrified that they will have to resort to diets in order to lose weight quickly. And they do not bring a stable and long-term effect. Usually the lost pounds come back and bring "friends".

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In addition, any dietary restrictions negatively affect the state of internal organs, hormonal system, and metabolism. Therefore, solving the problem of how to lose weight quickly , we discard the idea of ​​strict dietary restrictions.

How to Lose Weight Without Diets and Pills

The second extreme, which lazy ladies love, is the "miraculous" pills that supposedly allow you to lose weight without effort. When making this choice, remember that the least effect you will get from this type of drug is to cleanse the intestines and reduce swelling, since they are mainly diuretic and pro-active. At worst, you will achieve serious disorders of the nervous system and the work of the digestive tract.

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So how to lose weight at home without going to the extremes described above? The answer is simple - proper nutrition.


Many are skeptical about this, but they have never followed the principles of proper nutrition. Therefore, at least for the sake of experiment, try out the basic recommendations. You will see how you can lose weight without depleting the body, without poisoning it. Most will be surprised at how quickly the body and appearance will change.

Remember that weight loss is 90% dependent on nutrition and only 10% on exercise. Therefore, we do not postpone the dream of a slim body and introduce 10 rules of healthy eating into life:

We forget about sugar and sweets, pastries and desserts, if only because these products not only give excess weight, but also negatively affect the condition of the skin. If you want to get the perfect complexion, get rid of skin rashes, reduce sebum secretion, then we put a taboo on everything that contains sugar.

We do not drink carbonated drinks , even if it is ordinary mineral water. Carbon dioxide damages the walls of the stomach, stimulates them, which causes the release of gastric juice and begins a process called the expression "sucking in the stomach." Even if you have just eaten, but drank carbonated water, in a few minutes you will feel hungry.

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We drink ordinary water at room temperature at least 1.8 liters per day . The amount to drink will be terrifying because it seems like an incredibly large displacement. But if you drink 250 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, getting out of bed, and throughout the day, the same amount 30 minutes before meals and an hour after, you will not even notice how quickly it is absorbed. By the way, water is the source of life for the skin. After 3 days, you will see how the complexion will improve. Do not drink cold water, otherwise undigested food will immediately end up in the intestines and again feel hungry.

We change the diet: introduce more vegetables, avoiding those that are rich in starch (corn, potatoes), eat lean meat (chicken fillet, lean beef), lean fish (hake, pollock, carp). We take into account the number of calories eaten and consumed. If you are thinking about how to lose weight quickly, then develop or use a menu already created by nutritionists that does not exceed 1200 kcal.

We regulate meals. This aspect requires an individual approach: someone needs to eat five times a day, while someone needs to eat three times. Therefore, break your diet into several meals, but so as to consume approximately the same number of calories. If you are hungry, then have a snack by eating 10 pieces of almond kernels or 3-4 pieces of prunes or dried apricots.

We rebuild food : eat more carbohydrates (porridge) in the morning, and protein food in the afternoon. Forget food 3 hours before bedtime.

Changing the way of cooking . Forget fried foods. Go for grilled, steamed, or boiled dishes.

We introduce more fermented milk products into the diet , and this is yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, whey.

We eat a salad of cabbage, fresh beets and carrots for dinner every day. Chicken, lean meat or cottage cheese goes well with it. This will help improve digestion.

Of course, you will have to forget about fast food. If you can't stand it without sweets, then cut the apple into slices, sprinkle with cinnamon and add a teaspoon of honey. Put it all in a container and carry it with you. As soon as you want to cheer up with chocolate, grab an apple.


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